This means traversing the swamps and venturing across the grasslands whilst opening outposts and building lodges, to ensure the previously unfinished Parque Fernando reaches its full potential. As part of the 16 new narrative missions and 39 side missions, you’re asked with proving your worth to the reserve’s owner, Carolina. The choice is yours whether to simply explore everything the environment has to offer at your own pace or take on the new story.

There’s a whole load of land to roam too, given that it measures up at over 25 square miles in total. The inspirations for the reserve are taken from the South American region of Patagonia, featuring lupine meadows, tranquil lakes and a dead forest. In the following chapters you can find completely new crafted Animal Location Maps for all reserves. Parque fernando has asked for your aid in turning an otherwise wild slice of patagonia into world class hunting. Players can expect to find a large range of wildlife here as it brings in new species such as the Puma, the Blackbuck, the Water Buffalo, and the Axis Deer. Get ready to spot a vibrant Cinnamon Teal taking flight, or a Blackbuck pronking as you make your way across the reserve. Parque Fernando is the fifth reserve brought in to enhance the theHunter: Call of the Wild experience so far and it’s simply buzzing with life. 1 Location 2 Regions 3 Huntable Animals 4 Flora 5 Missions & Measures 6 Trailer 7 Gallery Location Regions Huntable Animals Buzzing with life, Parque Fernando sports a large range of wildlife.